Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Make Money Doing What You Love

The Simple Guide to Making a Living Doing
What You Love!

Find Your Passion, Find Wealth

Alright, so you've found something that you're passionate about, and now you want to know how to make it a career.
It won't be easy, but it will be fun and rewarding. With the right attitude and motivation, you can do it! Here's how:

1) Education. Learn all you can about what you love to do. Find out how other people have become successful at it. Read all you can find, including books, magazine articles and anything you can find online. There is a lot of free information out there, so read that first. Find a mentor, someone who knows about what you want to do and ask him or her questions. Talk to others who are doing what you'd like to do. Make use of online forums to get answers from experienced people. Seek others who are doing it well and study their actions.

2) Action. Make sure you don't wait to long to do this step. It is easy to become caught up in researching and fail to move forward when necessary. It will be sooner than you think. After three weeks to a month of reading, just make a move. You can keep learning in the meantime, but there is no substitute for doing. Start doing what you love for free. Provide your service to family, friends, or new clients who will pay a small amount. You can start a blog and write about your experiences. Once your ideas are online others can learn about what you do.

3) Improving. Get better at what you do. This involves doing and making mistakes. Mistakes are our best teachers. If you stick with it, you will get better and better. It takes drive, desire, and determination. Don't give up, have fun!

4) Charging. As soon as you are good at what you do, you can start charging people for it, and they will be happy to pay for good work! You can start with a low price, as the most important things are the experience and clients you will be gaining. If you work really hard and do a great job, people will recommend you to others. You can raise your rates slowly as your skills improve.

5) Keep Getting Better. Never stop learning, reading, asking, growing. Don't be afraid to ask your clients for feedback to improve. Keep moving forward.

6) Streams of Income. This step is where you really start making money. And this doesn't have to wait until you're done with all the other steps. In fact, you can be working on it all the time. Streams of income flow toward you, and you can build one at at time until many are coming your way. Some examples are regular jobs, ad or affiliate income from your website, freelance jobs, online courses that you charge for, merchandise, online or downloadable products, membership websites that charge a fee, etc.

There are many ways to make money doing what you love. The key is to find as many income streams as possible, so you are not relying on just one thing. Eventually, you will be able to live off of your passion!

Things to Consider:

Location and Supplies. Will you need an office? Equipment? Most passions do not require a large space to start. You can probably begin from home with your computer and what you already have on hand. Try to avoid making a commitment to an office or retail space for as long as possible to keep overhead low. It is tempting to buy things for your business because it is fun and makes you feel legitimate. But resist the urge to splurge! Commit to starting small and making the most of what you have to avoid going into debt.

Keep or Quit Your Dayjob? Of course it would be ideal to be able to devote all of your time to your passion to make it successful. If you can cut back on your expenses enough to be able to afford a few months off, by all means do it. If not, don't fret. You can still make time to work on your passion before and after work, and on the weekends, The key is making a schedule and sticking to it.

DIY? You might wonder if you should work for a company or do it yourself. There are benefits to both, but eventually working for yourself will be more profitable and enjoyable. However, working for a company is a great way to gain knowledge and experience. Plus it might give you access to equipment and supplies you would not otherwise have access to. Once you get good enough at what you do, you will be in high demand. Then you can name your price!

Alright, you're on your way! Go for it!!!

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