Monday, February 8, 2010

Superfoods For Health and Vitality!

Superfoods! Experts say that there are many easy to find "superfoods" that can help you ward off diseases, manage your cholesterol, and improve your mood. Here is a list of Superfoods you can eat today for greater health and vitality:

APPLES protect your heart, aid healthy digestion, help improve lung capacity and cushion your joints to prevent arthritis.

APRICOTS fight certain types of cancer, help control blood pressure, save your eyesight, protect against Alzheimer's and slow the aging process.

BANANAS protect your heart and strengthen your bones.

BEANS lower cholesterol, aid healthy digestion, stabilize blood sugar and fight cancer.

BLUEBERRIES boost memory, fight cancer and protect your heart.

BROCCOLI strengthens bones, saves your eyesight, fights cancer and helps control blood pressure.

CAULIFLOWER protects against prostate cancer, fights breast cancer and guards against heart disease.

CHERRIES protect your heart, combat cancer, slow the aging process and help cure insomnia.

CHILI PEPPERS aid healthy digestion, fights cancer and boosts the immune system.

FIGS naturally promote weight loss.

GARLIC lowers cholesterol, controls blood pressure, combats cancer, and naturally kills bacteria.

HONEY heals wounds, aids healthy digestion, naturally increases energy, fights against allergies and helps prevent ulcers.

LEMONS and LIMES protect your heart and are great for smoothing the skin.

OATS  lower cholesterol, fights cancer, and helps regulate blood sugar in people with diabetes.

OLIVE OIL protects your heart, smooths skin and helps fight cancer and heart disease.

ORANGES support the immune system, fight cancer, and strengthen the respiratory system.

PINEAPPLE relieves colds, strengthens bones, helps dissolve warts and aids healthy digestion.

RICE conquers kidney stones and helps stop strokes.

STRAWBERRIES combat cancer, boost memory and help to calm stressful nerves.

SWEET POTATOES are a natural mood elevator.

WHEAT GERM combats colon cancer and improves digestion.

YOGURT strengthens bones, guards against ulcers and supports the immune system.

Just adding a few of these nutrient rich superfoods to your diet each day can have an astounding effect on your quality of life, health, and future.

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