Sunday, April 12, 2009

Welcome to The Natural Balance Blog!

Welcome to The Natural Balance Blog, presented by Emily's Beauty In Balance. Here we can create a community of helping one another by sharing ideas about the creation of more balanced lifestyles.

Balance is an essential quality that can be very difficult to achieve. It must be practiced with concentration and persistence. Imagine what a challenge it must have been to stand up and take those first steps as a baby---falling, getting back up, falling, and getting back up again! But we all did it, and likely without much instruction or prompting.

As time went by we got better at walking, falling less and less. Soon it felt completely natural and we could no longer remember what it had been like to stumble and struggle. The human body takes to balance, as does the mind. We all have an innate inclination to strive toward it.

Once something new is learned and balance has been obtained, it seems that balance was always there inside just waiting to be discovered. Like the baby learning to walk, child learning to ride a bike, or gymnast learning to perform superhuman feats, once we find a center and acknowledge it as a part of us we cannot lose it but only build upon it. Our foundation is only strengthened.

Balance is at the heart of every great achievement of humanity. Without stabilizing one level of success we cannot move on to the next with confidence or competence. But with the patience and determination to learn and cultivate the sense already within us, the possibilities are endless. We have great potential as well as the tools necessary to bring our greatest dreams to fruition. And it all starts at the center.

This is where I find Beauty in Balance.

Where do you find it? And what does balance mean to you?

Thank you so much for visiting The Natural Balance Blog. I think we will have a good time here, and can't wait to hear your thoughts!

Emily Rachel Boege
Founder, Emily's Beauty In Balance

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Welcome to The Natural Balance Blog!

Welcome to The Natural Balance Blog, presented by Emily's Beauty In Balance. Here we can create a community of helping one another by sharing ideas about the creation of more balanced lifestyles.